The DutchGrown Blog

Wake Up Your Garden With very Early Flowering Bulbs
At the end of winter the garden begins to wake up and one of its greatest pleasures is the appearance of tiny bulbs that seem to spring out of the...
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Growing Guides: How to grow Chionodoxa
Chionodoxa, also known as Glory of the Snow, are one of the earliest Spring bulbs to bloom. These fantastic little gems are very versatile and all-round top performers.
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Meet Ben, our Flower Bulb Specialist
Gardening challenges?
- Agapanthus
- Alliums
- Amarine
- Amaryllis
- Amaryllis Belladonna
- Anemone
- Astilbe
- Astrantia (Masterwort)
- Bearded Iris
- Begonia
- Calla Lily
- Camassia
- Cardoon (Artichoke Thistle)
- Chionodoxa
- Cobra Lily (Arisaema)
- Columbines (Aquilegia)
- Crocus
- Daffodils
- Dahlias
- Daylily (Hemerocallis)
- Delphinium
- Dicentra
- Dichelostemma
- Dutch Iris
- Dwarf Iris
- Echinacea
- Eranthis
- Eremurus
- Eucomis (Pineapple Lily)
- Fritillaria
- Galanthus
- Geranium
- Geum
- Giant Snowflake
- Gladiolus
- Glory of the Snow
- Grape Hyacinths
- Gypsophila (Baby's Breath)
- Helleborus
- Hosta
- Hyacinthoides
- Hyacinths
- Iris
- Italian Ranunculus
- Ixia
- Leucojum
- Liatris
- Lilies
- Lily of the Valley (Convallaria majalis)
- Lupin
- Muscari
- Narcissus
- Nerine
- Ornithogalum
- Papaver
- Papaver (Oriental Poppy)
- Paperwhites
- Peonies
- Perennials
- Phlox
- Puschkinia
- Ranunculus
- Red Hot Poker (Kniphofia)
- Saffron Crocus
- Scilla
- Sedum (Stonecrop)
- Siberian Squill
- Snowdrops
- Spanish Bluebells
- Striped Squill
- Tricyrtis (Toad Lily)
- Tuberose (Polianthes)
- Tulips
- Winter Aconite