Indoor Narcissus Paperwhites (Ziva)

Top Size Bulbs 12/+

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 We start shipping our autumn planted bulbs from October 1st.

 We will continue to ship until December 1st.

Excellent for cutting
Can be grown indoors

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We ship everywhere in Europe!

100% Grow Guarantee!

Rated 4.7 out of 5 by our customers


One of the most popular paperwhites, Indoor Narcissus Paperwhites (Ziva) is a highly fragranced daffodil with large clusters of pure white flowers. Each bulb can produce 3-4 stems with blossoms that exude a gorgeous, spicy scent.

Pre-order your Paperwhite Bulbs for Autumn 2021 shipping season! Secure availability at great pricing!

We deliver our paperwhite bulbs anywhere in the UK and Europe.

Indoor Paperwhites are very easy to grow. After planting, you can place the bowl/pot directly sunlight, although be careful not to give paperwhites too much heat for the first two weeks as the plant will grow too tall. Inbal can be planted in sandy soil (cactus soil), gravel, marble stroke or hydro beads. It is not necessary to feed plants during their growth period, but make sure to water your Paperwhites regularly. Each pot should contain at least three bulbs, but obviously a larger number gives a better result. Another consideration to make is that paperwhites like to be packed tightly in a pot.

We supply a large size bulb: 16/+ (circumference of the sphere in cm) because larger size bulbs produce the maximum number of blooms. Paperwhite Ziva usually blooms three to four weeks after planting, depending on the temperature.

If you want your Paperwhites in bloom for Christmas, then you should plant the bulbs indoors early November.

Height: 35-50 cm.
Bulb Size: Top Size 15/+

• Very Fragrant

• Easy To Grow In Pots And Containers

Planting information

· Plant your flower bulbs in autumn

· Plant in borders or containers in sun or partial shade

· Plant the bulbs three times the size of the bulb deep

· Space the bulbs two times the size of the bulb apart

· Plant the bulbs with the pointed side facing upwards

For more information, click here to read our How-to-Guides

Shipping rates

View our shipping rates per EU country here.

Shipping schedule

 We start shipping our flower bulbs by early October.

 We will continue to ship until the end of November or until supplies last.

View our shipping schedule overview


For over 4 generations, DutchGrown™ has built its reputation by offering the best Autumn-planted flowers bulbs available anywhere. We take pride in our exceptionally high level of quality control customer service, and our commitment to client satisfaction continues long after the bulbs leave our premises. When you order from DutchGrown™, we 100% guarantee that you will receive the hardiest flower bulbs available, packed with care and ready to thrive in your garden. Read more.

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